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Mount Rausu (羅臼岳, Rausu-dake) is a stratovolcano on the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaidō, Japan. It sits on the border between the towns of Shari and Rausu. Mount Rausu is the northeasternmost Holocene volcano on Hokkaidō.[2] It is one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan.

Mount Rausu
View from Sea of Okhotsk (August 2014)
Highest point
Elevation1,660.4 m (5,448 ft)[1]
ListingList of mountains in Japan
List of volcanoes in Japan
100 Famous Japanese Mountains
Coordinates44°4′33″N 145°7′21″E[1]
Mount Rausu
Location of Mount Rausu in Japan.
LocationHokkaidō, Japan
Parent rangeShiretoko Peninsula
Topo mapGeospatial Information Authority 25000:1 羅臼
25000:1 知床峠
50000:1 羅臼
Age of rockHolocene[2]
Mountain typeStratovolcano
Volcanic arc/beltKuril arc[3]
Last eruption1800 ± 50 years[2]
Easiest routeScramble[3]

Mount Rausu's opening festival is held annually on July 3. This day officially opens the climbing season.[3]

In the past 2200 years it is believed that Mount Rausu erupted thrice, with a Plinian Eruption roughly 1400 years ago and a pyroclastic flow about 500 years ago.[4]


See also


  1. Geospatial Information Authority map 25000:1 羅臼, last access May 23, 2008
  2. "Rausudake". Global Volcanism Program. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 2021-06-25.
  3. Hunt, Paul (1988). Hiking in Japan: An Adventurer's Guide to the Mountain Trails (First ed.). Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd. pp. 11, 201. ISBN 0-87011-893-5.
  4. 神沼克伊,小山悦郎 日本の火山を科学する 日本列島津々浦々、あなたの身近にある108の活火山とは? ソフトバンククリエイティブ 2011. ISBN 978-4797361308.
  5. "Shiretoko National Park". Ministry of the Environment (Japan). Archived from the original on 2011-03-22. Retrieved 2010-12-01.
  6. "Cruising Tour of Shiretoko, Newly Registered Natural World Heritage". Hiragana Times. YAC Planning Inc. November 2005. Retrieved 1 December 2010.

На других языках

[de] Rausu-dake

Der Rausu-dake, (羅臼岳) ist ein 1660 m hoher Schichtvulkan auf Hokkaidō in Japan und Teil des 1964 ausgewiesenen Shiretoko-Nationalparks. Der Rausu-dake ist einer der 100 berühmten japanischen Berge (日本百名山, Nihon-Hyakumeizan).[1] Am Fuß des Berges existieren mehrere heiße Quellen.
- [en] Mount Rausu

[fr] Mont Rausu

Le mont Rausu (羅臼岳, Rausu-dake?) est un volcan du Japon situé sur la péninsule de Shiretoko, dans l'île de Hokkaidō.

[ru] Раусу (вулкан)

Рау́су[2] (яп. 羅臼岳 Раусудакэ, «Пик Раусу») — вулкан на японском острове Хоккайдо.

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