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Pserimos (Greek: Ψέριμος Δωδεκανήσου) is a small Greek island in the Dodecanese chain, lying between Kalymnos and Kos in front of the coast of Turkey. It is part of the municipality of Kálymnos, and reported a population of 80 inhabitants at the 2011 census.[1]

Native name:
The island of Pserimos
Location in Greece
LocationAegean Sea
Coordinates36°56′0″N 27°8′0″E
Administrative regionSouth Aegean
Regional unitKalymnos
Population80 (2011)

The main industry is tourism, with Greek and other European holidaymakers attracted by its remote location. There are several beaches and a number of taverns, some of which offer accommodation.

Pserimos is served by a daily ferry from Pothia, on the island of Kalymnos, and is a destination on the itinerary of a number of cruise boats in the area.


На других языках

[de] Pserimos

Die griechische Insel Pserimos (griechisch Ψέριμος (f. sg.)) wird von der Gemeinde Kalymnos in der Region Südliche Ägäis verwaltet.
- [en] Pserimos

[es] Pserimos

Pserimos (en griego, Δωδεκανήσου Ψέριμος; en italiano, Cappari; en turco, Keçi Adasi) es una pequeña isla griega en el archipiélago del Dodecaneso, que se encuentra entre las islas de Kálimnos y Cos, frente a la costa de Turquía. Es parte del municipio de Kálimnos y tenía una población de 80 habitantes en el censo de 2011.

[fr] Psérimos

Psérimos (en grec moderne : Ψέριμος) est une petite île de la mer Égée située dans le Dodécanèse et rattachée à l'île de Kalymnos voisine.

[it] Pserimos

Pserimos (in italiano Cappari, in greco Ψέριμος Δωδεκανήσου) è una piccola isola greca nel Dodecaneso, facente parte della regione amministrativa dell'Egeo Meridionale. È posta tra Calimno e Coo. Appartiene alla municipalità di Kalymnos, ed al censimento del 2001 aveva una popolazione di 130 abitanti.

[ru] Псеримос

Псеримос[1] (греч. Ψέριμος, Капари[1]) — остров в Эгейском море, принадлежит Греции.

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