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Kara Ada, (literally "Black island" in Turkish), is a small Turkish island at the entrance of the harbor of Bodrum in the Aegean Sea.[1] It is a popular tourist destination, particularly for yachting.

The island seen from West
The island seen from West


The ancient Greeks called it Arkonnesos (Ancient Greek: Ἀρκόνησος).[2] During the Siege of Halicarnassus by Alexander the Great, some of the Persian troops withdrew to the island after they first set fire to the Halicarnassus.[3]

In the Middle Ages the island, which the Greeks know under the name of Arkos,[1] was taken over by the Knights of St. John Hospitaller, who also occupied Bodrum.[4] It was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. In 1919 it was occupied by the Italians together with Bodrum.[4] The 1932 Convention between Italy and Turkey assigned it to Turkey.[5]



На других языках

- [en] Kara Ada (Bodrum)

[it] Kara Ada

Kara Ada, (in Turco "isola nera"), è una piccola isola turca nella Baia di Bodrum (l'antica Alicarnasso) nel Mar Egeo.[1] È una destinazione turistica popolare, soprattutto per i velisti.

[ru] Караада

Караада[1][2][3][4] (тур. Karaada — «Чёрный остров») — остров, принадлежащий Турции, у южного побережья полуострова Бодрум[bg] в заливе Гёкова Эгейского моря, к северо-востоку от греческого острова Кос[1]. Наивысшая точка — 374 м над уровнем моря. Западнее расположен остров Ич (Ичада). Закрывает с юга бухту Бодрум (Bodrum Körfezi), на побережье которой расположен порт Бодрум[2][3][4].

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