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The Bellingshausen Sea is an area along the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula between 57°18'W and 102°20'W, west of Alexander Island, east of Cape Flying Fish on Thurston Island, and south of Peter I Island (there the southern Vostokkysten).[1] In the south are, from west to east, Eights Coast, Bryan Coast and English Coast (west part) of West Antarctica. To the west of Cape Flying Fish it joins the Amundsen Sea.

Bellingshausen Sea as part of the Southern Ocean
Bellingshausen Sea as part of the Southern Ocean
Bellingshausen Sea, IHO definition (proposed)
Bellingshausen Sea, IHO definition (proposed)

Bellingshausen Sea has an area of 487,000 km2 (188,000 sq mi) and reaches a maximum depth of 4.5 kilometers (2.8 mi).[2] It contains the undersea plain Bellingshausen Plain.

It takes its name from Admiral Thaddeus Bellingshausen, who explored in the area in 1821.

In the late Pliocene Epoch, about 2.15 million years ago, the Eltanin asteroid (about 1-4 km in diameter) impacted at the edge of the Bellingshausen sea (at the South Pacific Ocean). This is the only known impact in a deep-ocean basin in the world.[3]


  1. Australian Antarctic Data Centre, Antarctic Gazetteer: Bellingshausen Sea
  2. Gazetteer «About countries»: Bellingshausen (sea)
  3. Gersonde, Rainer; F. T. Kyte; T. Frederichs; U. Bleil; H.-W. Schenke; G. Kuhn (2005). "The late Pliocene impact of the Eltanin asteroid into the Southern Ocean – Documentation and environmental consequences" (PDF). Geophysical Research Abstracts. 7. 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-02449. Retrieved 2008-06-22.

На других языках

- [en] Bellingshausen Sea

[es] Mar de Bellingshausen

El mar de Bellingshausen (en ruso: Море Беллинсгаузена) es un mar litoral del océano Antártico localizado al oeste de la península Antártica y al sur de la isla Pedro I, entre la isla Alejandro I (70° O), al este, y el cabo Flying Fish (102° 20' O) de la isla Thurston, al oeste, que es el límite con el mar de Amundsen.

[ru] Море Беллинсгаузена

Мо́ре Беллинсга́узена[1] — море в западной части Антарктики, у побережья Антарктиды, расположенное в Тихоокеанском секторе Южного океана. Площадь поверхности — 487 тыс. км².

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