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The Manu River rises in the mountains of Tripura (India). After its initial rapid passage through mountainous terrain it slows and meanders during its course, which includes the Sylhet plains. It joins the Kushiyara River at Manumukh in the Bangladeshi district of Moulvibazar.[1] It is 167 kilometres (104 mi) long, making it the longest river of Tripura.[2]

See also


  1. Md Mahbub Murshed (2012). "Manu River". In Sirajul Islam and Ahmed A. Jamal (ed.). Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh (Second ed.). Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  2. "Tripura Geography for the preparation of TPSC examinations..." Retrieved 29 October 2020.

На других языках

- [en] Manu River (Tripura)

[ru] Ману (приток Кушияры)

Ману — река в Индии и Бангладеш, длина 187 километров[1] (по другим данным, 167 километров)[2].

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