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The Dhanu (Bengali: ধানু) is a river in Bangladesh.

Dhanu River
Dhanu River at Khaliajuri Upazila
  • Sylhet
  • Mymensingh
  • Sunamganj
  • Netrokona
  • Kishoreganj
Physical characteristics
SourceBaulai River
MouthGhorautra River
Length90 km (56 mi)

The Dhanu, also called the Ghorautra, is a tributary of the Meghna. It flows directly southwards from Sunamganj in Sylhet through the eastern thanas of Netrakona and Kishoreganj of Mymensingh Region. It is navigable year-round. It falls and rises with the daily tides and even the canals connected with it a long way inland, at places like Gag Bazar and Badla, experience the effect of these tides.

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