Britton Hill is the highest natural point in the state of Florida, United States, with a summit elevation of 345 feet (105 meters) above mean sea level. Britton Hill is the lowest state highpoint in the United States,[3]103 feet (31m) lower than the next lowest highpoint, Ebright Azimuth in Delaware, and far lower than many skyscrapers in Miami and other urban areas of Florida.
Highest ground in Florida
Britton Hill
The summit of Britton Hill, the state of Florida's highest point at 345 feet (105m).
The hill is located in northern Walton County near the town of Lakewood, Florida, just off County Road 285 about two miles (three kilometers) southeast of Florala, Alabama. It is inside Lakewood Park, which marks the high point and features a monument, trails, and an information board.
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