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The Mirna (Italian: Quieto) is a river in Istria, Croatia. In ancient times it was called the Aquilis. It is Istria's longest and richest river, being 53 km (33 mi) long and having a basin covering an area of 458 km2 (177 sq mi).[1] It rises near Buzet, passes along Motovun and empties into the Adriatic Sea near Novigrad.[2]

The Mirna River in Istria, Croatia
Physical characteristics
Adriatic Sea
45.3164°N 13.5948°E / 45.3164; 13.5948
Length53 km (33 mi)[1]
Basin size458 km2 (177 sq mi)[1]
Another Image of the Mirna River
Another Image of the Mirna River


  1. Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia 2017 (PDF) (in Croatian and English). Zagreb: Croatian Bureau of Statistics. December 2017. p. 47. ISSN 1333-3305. Retrieved 23 May 2018.
  2. "Region of Istria: Geographic data". Archived from the original on 2007-06-06. Retrieved 2008-07-30.

На других языках

[de] Mirna (Kroatien)

Die Mirna (kroatisch Rijeka Mirna, italienisch Fiume Quieto, lateinisch Ningus) ist ein 53 Kilometer langer Fluss in der Gespanschaft Istrien in Kroatien.
- [en] Mirna (Adriatic Sea)

[it] Quieto (fiume)

Il Quieto (in croato Mirna, in veneto Chedo) è un fiume dell'Istria, in Croazia. Nasce a sudest di Pinguente (Buzet) presso Colmo (Hum). È lungo 53 km.

[ru] Мирна (река, впадает в Адриатическое море)

Ми́рна (хорв. Mirna, лат. Ningus Flumen) — река на полуострове Истрия, Хорватия. В переводе с хорватского означает Тихая.

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