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Svarthamaren Mountain is a prominent ice-free mountain or large nunatak on the east side of the mouth of Vestreskorve Glacier in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. It was mapped from surveys and aerial photographs by the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition (1956–60) and named Svarthamaren ("black cliff").

Svarthamaren Mountain
Location in Antarctica
The mountain holds the largest known breeding colony of Antarctic petrels
The mountain holds the largest known breeding colony of Antarctic petrels


The nunatak supports the largest known seabird colony in Antarctica. Over 250,000 pairs of Antarctic petrels nest there annually, with about 500,000 non-breeding birds also present during the breeding season. Other birds breeding at the site include snow petrels (up to 1000 pairs) and south polar skuas (about 80 pairs). The site is protected under the Antarctic Treaty System as Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) No.142.[1] The 751 ha site, covering an altitude range of 1600–2100 m, has also been designated an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because of its seabird colonies.[2]


  1. "Svarthamaren" (PDF). Management Plan for Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 142: Measure 8, Annex. Antarctic Treaty Secretariat. 2009. Retrieved 2013-01-25.
  2. "Svarthamaren". BirdLife Data Zone. BirdLife International. 2015. Retrieved 4 December 2020.

На других языках

[de] Svarthamaren

Der Svarthamaren (norwegisch für Schwarzer Hammer) ist ein markanter und eisfreier Berg im ostantarktischen Königin-Maud-Land. Er ragt im Mühlig-Hofmann-Gebirge östlich der Mündung des Vestre Skorvebreen auf und liegt rund 200 km landeinwärts von der Prinzessin-Astrid-Küste entfernt. Der Berg ist das größte Brutgebiet des Antarktiksturmvogels mit bis zu 180.000 Brutpaaren.[1] Am Fuß des Berges liegt seit 1993 die nur im Sommer bemannte norwegische Forschungsstation Tor.[2]
- [en] Svarthamaren Mountain

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