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Meldia Rock (Bulgarian: скала Мелдия, ‘Skala Meldia’ \ska-'la 'mel-di-ya\) is the rock of diameter 220 m and split in east-west direction, lying off the northwest coast of Nelson Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The area was visited by early 19th century sealers.

Meldia Rock
Location of Nelson Island in the South Shetland Islands
Meldia Rock
Location of
Meldia Rock
Meldia Rock (Antarctic Peninsula)
Coordinates62°15′28.7″S 59°11′21″W
ArchipelagoSouth Shetland Islands
Administered under the Antarctic Treaty System

The rock is named after the ancient Roman station of Meldia in Western Bulgaria.


Meldia Rock is located at 62°15′28.7″S 59°11′21″W, which is 800 m north of Smilets Point, 2.2 km east-northeast of Folger Rock, 3.37 km southwest of Withem Island and 2.43 km west-southwest of Retamales Point. British mapping in 1968.

See also



This article includes information from the Antarctic Place-names Commission of Bulgaria which is used with permission.

На других языках

[de] Meldia Rock

Der Meldia Rock (englisch; bulgarisch скала Мелдия .mw-parser-output .Latn{font-family:"Akzidenz Grotesk","Arial","Avant Garde Gothic","Calibri","Futura","Geneva","Gill Sans","Helvetica","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande","Stone Sans","Tahoma","Trebuchet","Univers","Verdana"}skala Meldija) ist ein in ost-westlicher Richtung gespaltener und im Durchmesser 220 m langer Klippenfelsen vor der Nordwestküste von Nelson Island im Archipel der Südlichen Shetlandinseln. Er liegt 0,8 km nördlich des Smilets Point, 2,2 km ostnordöstlich des Folger Rock, 3,37 km südwestlich von Withem Island und 2,43 km westsüdwestlich des Retamales Point.
- [en] Meldia Rock

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