Henfield Rock is an offshore rock lying northwest of Robert Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. It was known to the early 19th century sealers operating from nearby Clothier Harbour, and sometimes included under the name 'Powels Islands' or 'Heywood Islands'.
Henfield Rock
Location of Robert Island in the South Shetland Islands
The feature is named after Captain Joseph Henfield, Master of the American sealing vessel Catharina that visited the South Shetlands in 1820–21.
The rock is located 2.53km (1.57mi) northeast of Catharina Point, 5km (3.11mi) east of Heywood Island, 700m (766yd) south of Opaka Rocks and 2.81km (1.75mi) northwest of Lientur Rocks (British mapping in 1822 and 1968, Chilean in 1971, Argentine in 1980, and Bulgarian in 2009).
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