Galiche Rock (Bulgarian: скала Галиче, ‘Skala Galiche’ \ska-'la 'ga-li-che\) is the large rock off Somovit Point on the east coast of Robert Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. It is extending 300m (328yd) in northwest-southeast direction and 180m (197yd) in northeast-southwest direction, and forming the south side of the entrance to Kruni Cove and the north side of the entrance to Tsepina Cove.[1]
Galiche Rock
Location of Robert Island in the South Shetland Islands
The rock is named after the settlement of Galiche in Northwestern Bulgaria.
Galiche Rock is located 150m (164yd) northeast of Somovit Point, 780m (853yd) south of Kitchen Point and 900m (984yd) north of Batuliya Point. British mapping in 1968 and Bulgarian in 2009.
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