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The Upper Palatine Forest (German: Oberpfälzer Wald German pronunciation  or Böhmischer Wald, Czech: Český les) is a mountain range in Central Europe that is divided between Germany and the Czech Republic. It is part of the larger Bohemian Massif and the German Central Uplands.

Upper Palatinate Forest
View to Mt. Velký Zvon
Highest point
Elevation1,042 m (3,419 ft)
CountriesGermany and Czech Republic
ProvincesBavaria and Plzeň Region
Parent rangeCentral Uplands
Bohemian Massif
Type of rockMetamorphic Gneiss, Granite and Serpentinite rocks


Hut on the German-Czech border near Bad Neualbenreuth
Hut on the German-Czech border near Bad Neualbenreuth

The German side belongs to the Upper Palatinate region of Bavaria, it stretches about 100 km (330,000 ft) from the Bavarian Forest in the south up to the Fichtel Mountains and the Steinwald range in the north. However, the highest peaks of the range lie along the eastern Czech side in the Plzeň Region of western Bohemia, northwest of the Bohemian Forest. The southern rim runs from the Cham and Furth Basin across the border to the Všeruby (Neumark) mountain pass, which is part of the Main European Watershed. The other end is marked by Waldsassen, the northernmost town of the Upper Palatinate.

The Mittelgebirge range is a mountainous solid mass, its highest point Čerchov being at an altitude of 1,042 m (3,419 ft). Prominent rocks include the Wolfenstein and the Parkstein hill. Once a mining area for iron and gold, the uplands feature many steep valleys, medieval castle ruins and numerous hiking trails. It is a popular destination for recreation.

Rivers rising in the Upper Palatinate Forest include

Highest peaks

German nameCzech name Height (m)Height (ft)State/RegionCountry
SchwarzkopfČerchov1,042 3,419PlzeňCzech Republic
Skalka1,005 3,297PlzeňCzech Republic
LangenfelsDlouhá skála969 3,179PlzeňCzech Republic
TillenbergDyleň939 3,081Karlovy VaryCzech Republic
FichtenfelsSmrčí935 3,068PlzeňCzech Republic
Entenbühl901 2,956BavariaGermany
Weingartenfels896 2,940BavariaGermany
Großer RabenbergHavran894 2,933PlzeňCzech Republic
Signalberg888 2,913BavariaGermany
Reichenstein874 2,867BavariaGermany
PlattenbergVelký Zvon856 2,808PlzeňCzech Republic
Frauenstein835 2,740BavariaGermany
Schellenberg829 2,720BavariaGermany
Stückstein808 2,651BavariaGermany
Steinberg802 2,631BavariaGermany
Fahrenberg801 2,628BavariaGermany
Schwarzwihrberg / Schloßberg706 2,316BavariaGermany
Johannisberg605 1,985BavariaGermany

Towns and municipalities



На других языках

[de] Oberpfälzer Wald

Der Oberpfälzer Wald, tschechisch Český les (Böhmischer Wald), ist ein nord-südlich verlaufendes Mittelgebirge entlang der Grenze zwischen Bayern und Tschechien. Es gehört geologisch zur Böhmischen Masse, im Norden grenzt es ans Fichtelgebirge bzw. den Steinwald, im Süden an den Bayerischen Wald.
- [en] Upper Palatine Forest

[es] Bosque del Alto Palatinado

Cesky Les (en checo, Český les o "bosque de Bohemia"; en alemán, Oberpfälzer Wald o "bosque del Alto Palatinado") es una cordillera en Europa que se divide entre Alemania y la República Checa. El lado alemán de la cordillera está en la región del Alto Palatinado de Baviera y limita con el Bosque bávaro. Los picos más altos de la cordillera quedan en el lado checo. La cordillera es una sólida masa montañosa, estando su punto más alto en una altitud de 1.042 msnm. La región presenta muchas rutas de senderismo y es popular para el ocio.

[fr] Forêt du Haut-Palatinat

La forêt du Haut-Palatinat (en allemand : Oberpfälzer Wald ; Český les, « forêt de la Bohême » en tchèque) est un massif montagneux s'étendant le long de la frontière entre l'Allemagne et la Tchéquie. Le Čerchov situé dans ce dernier pays, avec une altitude de 1 042 m, est le point culminant du massif. La forêt fait partie du vaste massif de Bohême ; au nord elle confine au Fichtelgebirge, au sud à la forêt de Bavière et la forêt de Bohême (Šumava).

[it] Foresta dell'Alto Palatinato

La foresta dell'Alto Palatinato (in tedesco Oberpfälzer Wald, in ceco Český les) è un massiccio montuoso al confine tra Germania e Repubblica Ceca. Si trova tra la foresta bavarese e la Selva Boema.

[ru] Чешский Лес

Чешский Лес (чеш. Český les, нем. Oberpfälzer Wald — со стороны Баварии — или Böhmischer Wald — со стороны Чехии) — средневысотный горный хребет длиной около 100 км вдоль германо-чешской границы. Хребет распространяется от города Вальдзассен на севере до Вальдмюнхена на юге.

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