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Walrus Island (Russian: Моржовый остров) is a small islet located 15 km east of Saint Paul Island, Alaska in the Bering Sea. It is part of the Pribilof Islands group. Its length is 2,130 feet (650 m) and its area is 50.3 acres (0.2036 km2). There is no resident population.

Location in Alaska

The name of this island is a translation from the Russian "Ostrov Morzhovoy" meaning "Walrus Island," published by Capt. Lt. Vasiliev of the Imperial Russian Navy (IRN) in 1829 (map 3).

This islet should not be confused with the Walrus Islands in the Walrus Islands State Game Sanctuary, located close to Hagemeister Island (in the Dillingham Census Area), nor with Walrus Island located in the southeastern shores of the Bristol Bay (in the Aleutians East Borough).


На других языках

[de] Walrus Island (Pribilof Islands)

Walrus Island ist eine sehr kleine Insel aus der Inselgruppe der Pribilof Islands, nördlich der Aleuten im Beringmeer gelegen. Sie gehört administrativ zum US-Bundesstaat Alaska und ist unbewohnt. Die Walross-Insel ist 0,2 km² groß.
- [en] Walrus Island (Pribilof Islands)

[fr] Île Walrus

L'île Walrus est une des îles Pribilof, archipel alaskan situé dans la mer de Béring, à 500 km au sud-ouest de la côte occidentale de l'Alaska auquel il est administrativement rattaché.

[it] Walrus (Isole Pribilof)

Walrus è una piccola isola del gruppo delle Pribilof, che si trovano a nord dell'arcipelago delle Aleutine, tra l'Alaska e la Russia. Walrus si trova circa 15 km a est dell'isola di St. Paul. L'isola è disabitata e appartiene all'Alaska (USA).

[ru] Моржовый остров (острова Прибылова)

Уолрус[1], Моржовый остров (англ. Walrus Island) — необитаемый островок в 15 км к востоку от острова Святого Павла в группе островов Прибылова штата Аляска в Беринговом море рядом с западным побережьем штата.

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