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Amak Island (Aleut: Amax;[1] Russian: Амак) is an uninhabited island in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska, United States. The island lies north of the western tip of the Alaska Peninsula, and northwest of the mainland city of Cold Bay. The island's land area is 5.828 square miles (15.09 km2) and its maximum elevation is 1,601 feet (488 m). The island's volcano, Mount Amak, last erupted in 1796.

Location in Alaska
Amak Island, Steller sea lion haul out
Amak Island, Steller sea lion haul out

The local population of the song sparrow was last seen on the island around New Year's Eve, 1980/1981, and has not been seen since; devegetation of the island played a part in its demise. These birds were formerly considered a separate subspecies, Melospiza melodia amaka,[2] but are now considered to fall into the range of variation of the Aleutian song sparrow (M. m. sanaka).[3] Unconfirmed reports from the late 1980s suggest that the island, should habitat quality improve, would in time be recolonized by the species.[citation needed]


  1. Bergsland, K. (1994). Aleut Dictionary. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.
  2. Gabrielson, Ira N.; Lincoln, Frederick C. (1951). "The Races of Song Sparrows in Alaska" (PDF). Condor. 53 (5): 250–255. doi:10.2307/1364957.
  3. Pruett, Christin; Gibson, Daniel D.; Winker, Kevin (2003). "Amak Island Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia amaka) are not evolutionarily significant". Ornithological Science. 3 (2): 133–138. doi:10.2326/osj.3.133.

Further reading

На других языках

[de] Amak Island

Amak Island ist die östlichste Insel der Aleuten und gehört zu den Fox Islands (Alaska). Die Inseln gehören zu Alaska (USA). Sie liegt nördlich der Westspitze der Alaska-Halbinsel und nordwestlich von Cold Bay.
- [en] Amak Island

[fr] Île Amak

L'île Amak (en aléoute : Amax) est une île inhabitée du borough des Aléoutiennes orientales, en Alaska. Elle fait partie des îles Aléoutiennes. L'île se trouve au nord de l'extrémité ouest de la péninsule de l'Alaska et au nord-ouest de la ville continentale de Cold Bay. La superficie terrestre de l'île est de 15,09 km2 et son altitude maximale est de 488 m. Le volcan de l'île, le Mont Amak, est entré en éruption pour la dernière fois en 1796[1].

[it] Amak

Amak (in lingua aleutina Amax[1][2]) è un'isola disabitata che si trova al largo della punta occidentale della penisola di Alaska, a nord-ovest della cittadina di terraferma di Cold Bay. L'isola appartiene al borough delle Aleutine orientali (USA). Ha una superficie di 15,09 km² e il suo punto più alto è il monte Amak (488 m), un piccolo stratovulcano la cui ultima eruzione risale al 1796.

[ru] Амак

Амак (алеут. Amax[1], англ. Amak Island) — остров, один из Алеутских островов. Административно остров относится к американскому штату Аляска.

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