- Island

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The Baby Islands are a group of small islands located about 1.2 miles (1.9 km) northeast of Unalga Island in the Fox Islands group of the Aleutian Islands of southwestern Alaska. The group consists of five islands ranging from 980 to 3280 feet (300 to 1000 m) long and several smaller islets. The islands are uninhabited and none of them rise more than a few metres above sea level. Large numbers of birds, notably the whiskered auklet, nest on the islands, making them a frequent stop for nature tours in the area (the group is located only 21 miles (34 km) from Dutch Harbor on Unalaska Island).[1] However, the ocean near the islands is extremely hazardous for ships because of the shallow water and numerous rocks that lie just below water's surface.[2]

Location in Alaska


  1. "Aleutian Islands / Unalaska". Homer Travel & Tours. Archived from the original on 2008-08-20. Retrieved 2008-09-22.
  2. "Geographic Response Studies for Unalga & Baby Islands" (PDF). State of Alaska. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 October 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-22.

На других языках

[de] Baby Islands

Die Baby Islands sind eine kleine Inselgruppe der Krenitzin Islands, die zu den Aleuten gehören. Die etwa auf Meereshöhe liegenden Eilande erstrecken sich auf einer Länge von etwa 3,2 km.
- [en] Baby Islands

[it] Isole Baby

Le isole Baby sono un gruppo di piccole isole che fanno parte delle isole Krenitzin, che sono a loro volta un sottogruppo delle isole Fox. Si trovano a circa 1,9 km a nord-est di Unalga[1] nella parte orientale dell'arcipelago delle Aleutine e appartengono all'Alaska (USA).

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