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Slieve League or Slieve Liag[3] (Irish: Sliabh Liag, meaning 'mountain of stone pillars')[4] is a mountain on the Atlantic coast of County Donegal, Ireland. At 601 metres (1,972 ft), it has the second-highest sea cliffs in Ireland after Croaghaun,[5] and some of the highest sea cliffs in Europe.

Slieve League
Sliabh Liag
Highest point
Elevation601 m (1,972 ft)[1][2]
LocationCounty Donegal, Ireland
OSI/OSNI gridG544784

The Belfast naturalist Robert Lloyd Praeger wrote in 1939:

A tall mountain of nearly 2000 feet, precipitous on its northern side, has been devoured by the sea till the southern face forms a precipice likewise, descending on this side right into the Atlantic from the long knife-edge which forms the summit. The traverse of this ridge, the "One Man's Path", is one of the most remarkable walks to be found in Ireland - not actually dangerous, but needing a good head and careful progress on a stormy day....The northern precipice, which drops 1500 feet into the coomb surrounding the Little Lough Agh, harbours the majority of the alpine plants of Slieve League, the most varied group of alpines to be found anywhere in Donegal.[6]

Map of Slieve League
Map of Slieve League

Slieve League is often photographed from a viewpoint known as Bunglass. It can be reached by means of a narrow road that departs from Teelin. The final few kilometers of this route is built along a precipice and includes several places where it turns at the crest of a rise.


  1. Rowan, Alistair (January 1979). North West Ulster: The Counties of London Derry, Donegal, Fermanagh and Tyrone. Alistair Rowan. ISBN 0300096674. Retrieved 1 May 2022.
  2. "Cliffs of Slieve League". The Geological Society. Retrieved 1 May 2022.
  3. Marshall, David (2006). Best walks in Ireland. London: Frances Lincoln, p. 139. ISBN 978-0-7112-2420-9.
  4. "Sliabh Liag/Slieve League". Placenames Database of Ireland.
  5. Fairbairn, Helen (2014). Ireland's Best Walks. Gill & Macmillan. p. 86. Just where are Ireland's highest sea cliffs? Two coastal communities claim the bragging rights: Donegal's Slieve League awards itself the accolade, yet mighty Croaghaun on the western tip of Achill Island boasts cliffs that are both higher and marginally steeper.
  6. Praeger, Robert Lloyd (1997). The way that I went: an Irishman in Ireland. Cork: Collins Press, p. 41. ISBN 978-1-898256-35-9.

На других языках

[de] Slieve League

Die Klippen von Slieve League (irisch: Sliabh Liag; übersetzt: Steinberg) im Westen der irischen Grafschaft Donegal am Atlantischen Ozean sind eine der Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten dieser Region. Die steil ins Meer abfallenden Klippen gehören mit ihren 601 Metern Höhe zu den höchsten Klippen in Europa. Sie werden in Reiseführern oft fälschlich als die höchsten Meeresklippen in Europa bezeichnet, beispielsweise die Klippen von Croaghaun auf Achill Island, auf den Färoern (Enniberg) sowie Klippenformationen in Skandinavien sind jedoch höher.
- [en] Slieve League

[es] Slieve League

Slieve League (en irlandés Sliabh Liag[1]) es un acantilado situado en la costa del condado de Donegal, Irlanda. Con 601 m sobre el mar es uno de los acantilados costeros más altos de Europa, junto a los de Hornelen, Cabo Enniberg, Croaghaun, Vixía de Herbeira, Preikestolen y cabo Girão.

[fr] Slieve League

Slieve League (Sliabh Liag en irlandais) est la deuxième plus haute falaise d'Europe, culminant à 606 mètres. Elle se situe dans le comté de Donegal, en Irlande, et donne directement sur l'océan Atlantique.

[ru] Слив-Лиг

Слив-Лиг (англ. Slieve League, ирл. Sliabh Liag)[1] — одни из самых высоких в Ирландии морских клифов, расположенные у залива Донегол. Возвышаясь на 598 метров над уровнем моря, являются одними из самых высоких клифов в Европе. Здесь же расположен ряд археологических памятников[2].

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