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Mount Kalatungan, also known as Catatungan,[1] is a volcanic mountain located in the province of Bukidnon in the southern Philippines. It is a stratovolcano with no known historical eruptions and classified by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) as a potentially active volcano.

Mount Kalatungan
Mount Calatungan
Kalatungan Mountain Range viewed from Kibangay, Lantapan, Bukidnon
Highest point
Elevation2,860 m (9,380 ft)[1][2]
Prominence1,502 m (4,928 ft)[3][4]
Coordinates7°57′18″N 124°48′09″E[1]
Mount Kalatungan
Mount Kalatungan
RegionNorthern Mindanao
Cities and
  • Maramag
  • Pangantucan
  • Talakag
  • Valencia
Parent rangeKalatungan Mountain Range
Age of rockHolocene[1]
Mountain typeStratovolcano[1]
Last eruptionUnknown[1]

It is the fifth highest mountain in the country with an elevation of 2,860 m (9,380 ft) asl. It is one of the several high elevation peaks in the Kalatungan Mountain Range in Bukidnon on the island of Mindanao, the second largest island in the Philippines.

See also


  1. "Kalatungan". Global Volcanism Program. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 2021-06-25.
  2. Henares, Ivan (2008-02-02). "The Highest Mountains in the Philippines". Pinoy Mountaineer. Retrieved 2008-10-29.
  3. de Ferranti, Jonathan; Maizlish, Aaron (c. 2005). "Philippine Mountains: 29 Mountain Summits with Prominence of 1,500 Meters or Greater". Peaklist. Retrieved 2008-10-29.
  4. "Kalatungan Mountains High Point, Philippines". Retrieved 2008-11-05.

На других языках

[de] Kalatungan

Der Kalatungan (auch bekannt als Catatungan) ist mit 2824 m der zweithöchste Vulkan und der sechsthöchste Berg auf den Philippinen. Der Vulkan befindet sich im Zentrum der Insel Mindanao, in der Nähe der Stadt Pangantucan, östlich des Lanao-Sees in der Provinz Bukidnon. Der hauptsächlich basaltische Schichtvulkan bildet einen Gebirgszug, der in Ost-West-Richtung verläuft und seit dem Jahre 2000 als das Mount Kalatungan Range Natural Park unter Naturschutz steht.
- [en] Mount Kalatungan

[it] Monte Kalatungan

Il Katatungan, o Catatungan, è uno stratovulcano quiescente delle Filippine[1] che si eleva per 2 824 m.s.l.m. nel territorio della municipalità di Talakag, nella regione del Mindanao Settentrionale, nella parte meridionale dello Stato asiatico.

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