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Ulawun is a basaltic and andesitic stratovolcano in West New Britain Province, on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea.

Ulawun issuing passive steaming
Highest point
Elevation2,334 m (7,657 ft)[1]
Prominence2,334 m (7,657 ft)
Coordinates5°03′00″S 151°20′00″E
Papua New Guinea
LocationWest New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Mountain typeStratovolcano
Volcanic arc/beltBismarck volcanic arc
Last eruption2019

About 130 km (81 mi) southwest of the township of Rabaul, Ulawun is the highest mountain in New Britain and the second in the Bismarck Archipelago at 2,334 metres (7,657 ft), and one of the most active volcanoes in Papua New Guinea. A total of 22 recorded eruptions have occurred since the 18th century; the first, in 1700, was recorded by William Dampier. Several thousand people live near the volcano. Because of its eruptive history and proximity to populated areas, Ulawun has been deemed one of the Decade Volcanoes.

Recent activity

The last few years have seen almost constant activity at Ulawun, with frequent small explosions, and have caused great damage and loss of life. the New Britain Highway in three different locations.[2]

Volcanoes in Papua New Guinea are some of the world's most prolific sources of sulphur dioxide. Recent studies have shown that Ulawun alone releases about 7 kg/s of SO2, which is about 2% of the global total of SO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Ulawun has been named one of the Decade Volcanoes, 16 volcanoes identified as being worthy of particular study in light of their history of large, destructive eruptions and their proximity to populated areas. By Abubakr Sattar


A steam plume from Ulawun drifting over the sea is clearly visible in this satellite image
A steam plume from Ulawun drifting over the sea is clearly visible in this satellite image
Ulawun Volcano and Lolobau Island
Ulawun Volcano and Lolobau Island

See also


  1. "Ulawun". Global Volcanism Program. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 2020-03-25.
  2. Shelton, Tracey; Graue, Catherine (2019-06-28). "Papua New Guinea's Mount Ulawun volcano erupts and sends thousands of residents fleeing". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 2019-06-29.

На других языках

[de] Ulawun

Der Ulawun (in der deutschen Kolonialzeit Vater, englisch auch: The Father, bzw. Ulawon, Uluwun oder Vatr) ist ein Vulkan auf der zu Papua-Neuguinea gehörenden Insel Neubritannien. Mit einer Höhe von 2334 m ist er der höchste Berg der Insel.[1]
- [en] Ulawun

[fr] Ulawun

L'Ulawun, également appelé The Father, Ulawon, Uluwun, Vatr[1] ou encore North Son, est un volcan de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée situé dans l'île de Nouvelle-Bretagne[2].

[it] Vulcano Ulawun

Il vulcano Ulawun, o Ulawan è uno tra i più pericolosi vulcani al mondo (si trova al 12º posto). Si trova in Papua Nuova Guinea nella Nuova Britannia. Dal 1700 ad oggi sono state registrate decine di eruzioni; la più recente è stata registrata nel 2019.

[ru] Улавун

Улавун (англ. Ulawun) — действующий базальтовый и андезитовый стратовулкан, расположенный на острове Новая Британия (Папуа — Новая Гвинея), примерно в 130 км к юго-западу от города Рабаул. Высота вулкана составляет 2334 м, что делает его высшей точкой архипелага Бисмарка. Значительная часть покрыта растительностью, тем не менее на высоте свыше 1000 м она отсутствует[2]. Второстепенные вулканические конусы находятся на северо-западной и восточной стороне.

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