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The Pat-kai (Pron:pʌtˌkaɪ) or Patkai Bum (Burmese: Kumon Taungdan)[2] are a series of mountains in the Indo-Myanmar border falling in the north-eastern Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Upper Burma region of Myanmar. They were created by the same tectonic processes that created the Himalayas in the Mesozoic.[citation needed] In Tai-Ahom language, Pat means to cut and Kai means chicken.

Patkai hill summits seen from the Pangsau Pass
Highest point
PeakMount Saramati[1]
Elevation3,826 m (12,552 ft)
Coordinates27°0′N 96°0′E
Location of Patkai
LocationIndia, Myanmar


The Patkai range mountains are not as rugged as the Himalayas and the peaks are much lower. Features of the range include conical peaks, steep slopes and deep valleys.

Three mountain ranges come under the Patkai. The Patkai-Bum, the Garo-Khasi-Jaintia hills and the Lushai Hills. The highest point of this range is Phawngpui Tlang, which is also known as 'Blue Mountain'. The Garo-Khasi range is in the Indian state of Meghalaya. Mawsynram and Cherrapunji, on the windward side of these mountains are the world's wettest places, having the highest annual rainfall.

The climate range from temperate to alpine due to differences in altitude.

The Pangsau Pass offers the most important route through the Patkai. The Ledo Road was built through Pangsau Pass as a strategic supply road over the duration of World War II to link India with the Burma Road and finally onto China.

In World War 2, the Patkai Range was considered a part of The Hump by the Allied Forces.

See also


На других языках

[de] Patkai

Das Patkai-Gebirge (auch Purvanchal-Gebirge genannt) ist ein Gebirgszug an der Grenze zwischen Indien und Myanmar (Birma) und bildet einen der südöstlichen Ausläufer des Himalaya.
- [en] Patkai

[es] Patkai

Los montes Patkai o Purvachal son una cadena de montañas en la frontera este de la India con Birmania. Estas montañas fueron creadas por los mismos procesos tectónicos que formaron el Himalaya, aunque no son tan abruptas y sus picos son de mucho menor altura. La cadena incluye cumbres de tipo cónicas, pendientes pronunciadas y valles profundos.

[fr] Patkai

Le Patkai est un massif de montagnes au sud-est de l'Himalaya faisant office de frontière naturelle entre le nord de la Birmanie et l'est de l'Inde. Ses plus hauts sommets se situent entre 3 000 et 4 000 mètres.

[it] Patkai

I monti Patkai (chiamati anche monti Purvanchal) sono una catena montuosa al confine tra India e Birmania (Myanmar); costituiscono uno dei contrafforti sud-orientali dell'Himalaya.

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