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Csepel Island (Hungarian: Csepel-sziget, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈtʃɛpɛl]) is an island on the Danube in Hungary. It is 48 km (30 mi) long; its width after 3 km (2 mi) sections of bifurcation and rejoining (confluence) varies from 6 to 8 km (4 to 5 mi). It has an area of 257 km2 (99 sq mi) and its population is 165,000.[1]

Satellite picture of Csepel Island within Budapest
Satellite picture of Csepel Island within Budapest

The isle extends south from Budapest; its northern point or section is Csepel Budapest's District XXI. Most of the island is accessible from Budapest by the suburban railway. Towns include Ráckeve, Szigetszentmiklós, Szigethalom and Tököl.

Csepel island was the first centre of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin (Hungarian: honfoglalás: "conquest of the homeland"), being the early homestead of Árpád's tribe. The island is named after Árpád's horse groom, Csepel.

It features Hungary's tallest structure, Lakihegy Tower, a 314-metre (1,030 ft) radio mast used today intermittently for power network control purposes.[2][3]


На других языках

[de] Csepel (Insel)

Csepel [.mw-parser-output .IPA a{text-decoration:none}ˈtʃɛpɛl] (deutsch Tschepele oder Eugensinsel, kroatisch Čepeljski otok oder Ada[1]) ist eine Insel in der Donau in Ungarn, die im Norden vom südlichen Ende Budapests bis zur Gemeinde Makád-Tass im Süden reicht. Auf der Insel befindet sich die Sendeanlage Lakihegy.
- [en] Csepel Island

[fr] Île de Csepel

L'Île de Csepel (hongrois : Csepel-sziget, Île de Csepel, prononcé [ˈtʃɛpɛl ˈsigɛt]) est une île de Hongrie sur le Danube. Son extrémité Nord constitue le 21e arrondissement de Budapest.

[it] Isola Csepel

L'isola Csepel (in ungherese Csepel-sziget) è la più grande isola del fiume Danubio in Ungheria. Questa è lunga 48 km, larga da 6 a 8 km. La sua area è circa 257 km².

[ru] Чепель (остров)

Чепель (венг. Csepel-sziget) — большой остров на реке Дунай, в Венгрии. Длина — 48 км; ширина 6—8 км; площадь — 257 км².

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