- Island

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Robertson Island is an ice-covered island, 21 km (13 mi) long in a northwest-southeast direction and 10 km (6 mi) wide, lying at the east end of the Seal Nunataks off the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Captain Carl Anton Larsen discovered Robertson Island from the Jason on 9 December 1893.[1] Curious to find out if the volcano was active he skied to the top from the north side of the island, later naming it Mt. Christensen after his longtime partner and majority owner of the Jason, Christen Christensen.[2] Larsen named Robertson Island for William Robertson, co-owner of the Hamburg-based company Woltereck and Robertson.

Robertson Island
Robertson Island
Location in Antarctica
Robertson Island
Robertson Island (Antarctic Peninsula)
Coordinates65°10′S 59°37′W
Length21 km (13 mi)
Width10 km (6 mi)
Administered under the Antarctic Treaty System

San Roque Refuge

San Roque Refuge (65°14′40″S 59°26′38″W) was an Argentine Antarctic refuge located on Robertson Island at the east end of the Foca nunataks off the Nordenskjöld coast east of the Antarctic Peninsula. The shelter was opened on 1 October 1956, and was administered by the Argentine Army. The refuge had been occupied and used in various operations and currently is inactive. It is one of the 18 shelters that are under the responsibility of the Esperanza Base, which is responsible for the maintenance and the care.[3][circular reference]

See also


  1. Mills, William James (2003). Exploring Polar Frontiers A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 373. ISBN 1-57607-422-6.
  2. Yelverton, David E. (2004). Quest for a phantom strait : the saga of the pioneer Antarctic Peninsula expeditions, 1897-1905. New York: Guildford. pp. Intro XII. ISBN 0-9548003-0-3.
  3. "Refugio San Roque". Wikipedia Espanol. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. Retrieved 1 October 2018.


На других языках

[de] Robertson-Insel

Die Robertson-Insel (englisch Robertson Island) ist eine Insel rund 55 km östlich der Nordenskjöld-Küste an der Ostseite Antarktischen Halbinsel im Weddellmeer. Zwischen dieser und der Insel befindet sich der letzte Rest des 1995 zerfallenen Larsen-A-Schelfeises. 2002 löste sich südlich der Insel das Larsen-B-Schelfeis auf. Gut 100 Kilometer weiter südlich liegt das größere und relativ stabile Larsen-C-Schelfeis. Etwa drei Kilometer nördlich der Robertson-Insel befindet sich mit der Christenseninsel die nächstgelegene der Robbeninseln.
- [en] Robertson Island

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