- MountainsThe Queen Maud Mountains are a major group of mountains, ranges and subordinate features of the Transantarctic Mountains, lying between the Beardmore and Reedy Glaciers and including the area from the head of the Ross Ice Shelf to the Antarctic Plateau in Antarctica. Captain Roald Amundsen and his South Pole party ascended Axel Heiberg Glacier near the central part of this group in November 1911, naming these mountains for the Norwegian queen Maud of Wales.[2] Despite the name, they are not located within Queen Maud Land.
Major feature group in the Transantarctic Mountains
Queen Maud Mountains |
Photo of Mount Fridtjof Nansen in the Queen Maud Mountains taken by Roald Admundsen |
Peak | Mount Kaplan[1] |
Elevation | 4,230 m (13,880 ft) |
Coordinates | 84°33′00″S 175°19′00″W |
Location of Queen Maud mountains in Antarctica
Elevations bordering the Beardmore Glacier, at the western extremity of these mountains, were observed by the British expeditions led by Ernest Shackleton (1907–09) and Robert Falcon Scott (1910-13), but the mountains as a whole were mapped by several American expeditions led by Richard Evelyn Byrd (1930s and 1940s), and United States Antarctic Program (USARP) and New Zealand Antarctic Research Program (NZARP) expeditions from the 1950s through the 1970s.[2]
Geographical features include:
Barton Mountains
Bush Mountains
Commonwealth Range
Dominion Range
Main article: Dominion Range
- Ashworth Glacier
- Browns Butte
- Davis Nunataks
- Kane Rocks
- Koski Glacier
- Meyer Desert
- Mill Glacier
- Mount Cecily
- Mount Mills
- Plunket Point
- Rutkowski Glacier
- Scott Icefalls
- Vandament Glacier
Gothic Mountains
Grosvenor Mountains
Hays Mountains
Herbert Range
Main article: Herbert Range
Hughes Range
La Gorce Mountains
Main article: La Gorce Mountains
Prince Olav Mountains
Quarles Range
Main article: Quarles Range
Rawson Mountains
Supporters Range
Tapley Mountains
Other features
See also
- List of mountains in Queen Maud Land
Authority control |
General | |
National libraries | |
На других языках
[de] Königin-Maud-Gebirge
Das Königin-Maud-Gebirge ist eine Bergkette in Antarktika. Es bildet den das Rossmeer gegen Süden zum Polarplateau hin abgrenzenden Teil des Transantarktischen Gebirges. Höchster Gipfel des Königin-Maud-Gebirges ist der 4230 m hohe Mount Kaplan. Das Gebirge reicht vom Beardmore-Gletscher im Westen bis zum östlich gelegenen Reedy-Gletscher sowie vom Ross-Schelfeis im Norden bis zum südlich gelegenen Polarplateau.
- [en] Queen Maud Mountains
[es] Montañas Reina Maud
La cordillera de la Reina Maud es un grupo importante de montañas, cordilleras y accidentes subordinados de las montañas Transantárticas, que se encuentra entre los glaciares Beardmore y Reedy e incluye el área desde la cabeza de la barrera de hielo de Ross hasta la meseta polar en la Antártida. El capitán Roald Amundsen y su grupo del Polo Sur ascendieron el glaciar Axel Heiberg cerca de la parte central de este grupo en noviembre de 1911, nombrando estas montañas por la Reina Maud de Noruega.[1]
[fr] Chaîne de la Reine-Maud
La chaîne de la Reine-Maud ou montagnes de la Reine-Maud est un des principaux groupes de montagnes de la chaîne Transantarctique.
[it] Monti della Regina Maud
I Monti della Regina Maud sono un importante gruppo di montagne, dorsali, picchi e vette che fanno parte dei Monti Transantartici, situati tra il Ghiacciaio Beardmore e il Ghiacciaio Reedy; includono nelle loro pertinenze anche l'area che va dalla Barriera di Ross fino all'Altopiano Antartico, nell'Antartide.
[ru] Куин-Мод (хребет)
Куи́н-Мод (англ. Queen Maud Mountains, норв. Dronning Mauds Fjell) — группа горных хребтов в Антарктиде, в средней части системы Трансантарктических гор.
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