- Mountains

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Mount Clarke is a mountain, 3,210 metres (10,530 ft) high, located 13 miles (21 km) due east of Mount Iveagh in the Queen Maud Mountains. It rises along the east margin of the Snakeskin Glacier, near the edge of the interior ice plateau. It was discovered and named by the Southern Journey Party of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907–09, under Ernest Shackleton.


На других языках

[de] Mount Clarke

Mount Clarke ist ein 3210 m hoher Berg in der antarktischen Ross Dependency. In den Barton Mountains des Königin-Maud-Gebirges ragt er am Ostrand des Snakeskin-Gletschers nahe dem Rand des zentralen Polarplateaus und 21 km westlich des Mount Iveagh auf.
- [en] Mount Clarke (Antarctica)

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