- IslandThe Wilhelm Archipelago is an island archipelago off the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula in Antarctica.
Archipelago off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula
Wilhelm ArchipelagoBooth Island from the south, Lemaire Channel barely visible on the right |
Location | Antarctica |
Coordinates | 65°8′S 64°20′W |
Administered under the Antarctic Treaty System |
Population | Uninhabited |
Wilhelm Archipelago consists of numerous islands, the largest of which are Booth Island and Hovgaard Island. The archipelago extends from Bismarck Strait southwest to Lumus Rock, off the west coast of Graham Land. It was discovered by a German expedition under Eduard Dallmann, 1873–74. He named them for Wilhelm I, then German Emperor and King of Prussia.
Island groups
See also
This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Geological Survey document: "Wilhelm Archipelago". (content from the Geographic Names Information System)
Authority control | |
На других языках
[de] Wilhelm-Archipel
Der Wilhelm-Archipel (auch Kaiser-Wilhelm-Inseln, englisch Wilhelm Archipelago) ist ein Archipel vor der Westküste der Antarktischen Halbinsel (Grahamland) in der Antarktis.
- [en] Wilhelm Archipelago
[fr] Archipel Wilhelm
L'archipel Wilhelm est un archipel de la côte ouest de la péninsule Antarctique.
[it] Arcipelago Wilhelm
L'arcipelago Wilhelm è un arcipelago di isole dell'Oceano Atlantico meridionale. Come molte isole o territori antartici, l'arcipelago Wilhelm prende il nome dal sovrano della nazione da cui l'esploratore che lo ha scoperto proveniva. Infatti, nel 1873-74, il tedesco Eduard Dallmann dedicò l'arcipelago all'allora imperatore di Germania e re di Prussia, Guglielmo I di Germania (in tedesco: Wilhelm I. Deutsches Reich).
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