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The Jizera (Polish: Izera; German: Iser) is a river that begins on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic (in the Liberec Region in northern Bohemia) and ends in Central Bohemian Region. It is 167.0 km long, and its basin area is about 2,200 km2, of which 2,145 km2 in the Czech Republic.[1]

Jizera flowing through Great Jizera Plain
  • Czech Republic
  • Poland
Physical characteristics
  locationJizera Mountains
50°10′21″N 14°42′56″E
Length167.0 km (103.8 mi)
Basin features
ProgressionElbeNorth Sea


Like some other names in Bohemia, the name Jizera is of Celtic origin, as the Celtic Boii (hence the Germanic word Bohemia, home of the Boii) lived in the area before the Roman times (see also the Isar in Germany, the IJzer in Flanders and the Isère in France) before assimilation by the Marcomanni and later Germanic and West Slavic peoples.[2]


The river develops from the confluence of the Velká Jizera (Great Jizera) in the Jizera Mountains and the Malá Jizera (Little Jizera) in the Giant Mountains, and flows for 164 km into the Elbe in the municipality of Káraný near Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav. On its way, it intersects the Ještěd-Kozákov Ridge. For the first 15 kilometres, the river constitutes the border between Poland and the Czech Republic.

Cities and towns along the Jizera

Water resource

Jizera is also one of two biggest resources of potable water for the city of Prague and other neighboring villages and towns (the second one is Želivka). From Benátky nad Jizerou to its on-flow, it is surrounded by bank infiltration system, and in the municipality of Sojovice the water is being pumped for artificial infiltration.[3]


  1. "Charakteristiky toků a povodí ČR – Jizera" (in Czech). VÚV TGM. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  2. Zdeněk Váňa. Svět slovanských bohů a démonů. Prague: Panorama, 1990, p. 11. ISBN 80-7038-187-6.
  3. Křivánek, Oldřich a Kněžek, Miroslav (2001). Zdroje pitné vody v Káraném. Principy získávání vody v oblasti káranské vodárny. Pražské vodovody a kanalizace a.s.

На других языках

[de] Jizera

Die Jizera (deutsch Iser, polnisch Izera) ist ein rechter Nebenfluss der Elbe in Tschechien; in ihrem Oberlauf bildet sie die Grenze zu Polen.
- [en] Jizera (river)

[it] Jizera (fiume)

Il fiume Jizera (in tedesco Iser, in polacco Izera) è un fiume che nasce sui Monti Iser in Slesia, al confine fra Polonia e Repubblica Ceca e poi scorre in Boemia, dove affluisce nell'Elba.

[ru] Йизера

Йизера (чеш. Jizera, польск. Izera) — правый приток реки Эльба. Протекает по Чехии (Либерецкий край, Среднечешский край). На участке верховий служит границей с Нижнесилезским воеводством Польши.

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