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Cocos Lagoon appears as a small incomplete coral atoll attached to the south-western coast of Guam near the area of the village of Merizo. It stretches about 5.5 km (3.4 mi) east-west and 3.5 km (2.2 mi) north-south, covering an area of more than 10 km2 (3.9 sq mi).

Cocos Lagoon
Cocos Lagoon
Nautical chart of Cocos Lagoon
LocationCocos, Guam
Coordinates13.252°N 144.662°E / 13.252; 144.662
Max. length3.5 km (2.2 mi)
Max. width5.5 km (3.4 mi)
Surface area10 km2 (3.9 sq mi)

Cocos Island and Babe Island sit atop the southern portion of the Merizo Barrier Reef and separate Cocos Lagoon from the open ocean in the south. In the east, Cocos Lagoon is separated from Achang Reef by narrow Manell Channel that leads to Achang Bay. In the north-west, Mamaon Channel separates Cocos Lagoon from the main island of Guam and allows boat access to Merizo. Southeastward of the channel, down to Achang Bay, there is no separation to the main island of Guam. Along the west side, the barrier reef uncovers in spots but has no islands.

See also

Further reading



  1. Martin Cox, Leonard (1917). The Island of Guam. Washington: Government Printing Office. p. 66. Retrieved 13 January 2020.

На других языках

- [en] Cocos Lagoon

[ru] Кокос (лагуна)

Лагуна Кокос (англ. Cocos Lagoon) — небольшая лагуна, окружённая неполным коралловым атоллом, примыкающим к юго-западному побережью Гуама (США). Расположена недалеко от деревни Меризо.

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