- ReservoirHodgson Lake is a perennially ice-covered freshwater lake, which is about 2 km (1.2 mi) long by about 1.5 km (0.93 mi) wide. It is located within the southern part of Alexander Island, west of Palmer Land in Antarctica, at approximately 72°S latitude and 68°W longitude. This lake has a 93.4 m (306 ft) deep water column that lies sealed beneath a 3.6 to 4.0 m (12 to 13 ft) thick perennial lake ice. The lake is an ultra-oligotrophic lake with very low nutrient content and very low productivity. There is no detectable life living in Hodgson Lake. The lake extends eastward into George VI Sound and the George VI Ice Shelf making it adjacent to the sound. The northern side of this lake is bounded by the Saturn Glacier, which flows east into George VI Sound. The lake lies next to and southeast of Citadel Bastion, a pre-eminent mountain on Alexander Island.[1][2][3]
Body of water
Geomorphological and paleolimnological evidence indicates that Hodgson Lake had been a subglacial lake covered by an ice sheet at least 470 m (1,542 ft) thick during the Last Glacial Maximum. This ice sheet started thinning about 13,500 years ago. Eventually, it retreated from the local area of Hodgson Lake and left it covered only by perennial ice sometime before 11,000 years ago. This lake has been covered by perennial ice since that time.[2][3]
The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named Lake Hodgson on November 20, 2007, after Dominic Hodgson, a British Antarctic Survey paleolimnologist and lead author of the discovery reports. Although he proposed that this lake be named "Citadel Lake," it was named after him. Dr. Hodgson confirmed the existence of this lake during a field reconnaissance on December 18, 2000.[1] Later in 2009, papers,[2][3] of which Dominic Hodgson is the senior coauthor, were published about the limnology and paleolimnology of Hodgson Lake in Quaternary Science Reviews.
See also
- Stewart, J. (2011) Antarctic An Encyclopedia McFarland & Company Inc, New York. 1776 pp. ISBN 9780786435906.
- Hodgson D.A., S.J. Roberts, M.J. Bentley, J.A. Smith, J.S. Johnson, E. Verleyen, W. Vyverman, A.J. Hodson, M.J. Leng, A. Cziferszky, A.J. Fox, and D.C.W. Sanderson (2009) Exploring former subglacial Hodgson Lake, Antarctica Paper I. Quaternary Science Reviews. 28(23-24):2295–2309.
- Hodgson D.A., S.J. Roberts, M.J. Bentley, E.L. Carmichael, J.A. Smith, E. Verleyen, W. Vyverman, P. Geissler, M.J. Leng, and D.C.W. Sanderson (2009) Exploring former subglacial Hodgson Lake, Antarctica Paper II. Quaternary Science Reviews. 28(23-24):2310–2325.
External links
Anonymous (2009) Exploring Hodgson Lake Planet Earth Online, Natural Environment Research Council.
На других языках
[de] Hodgson-See
Der Hodgson-See ist ein ständig von Eis bedeckter See auf der Alexander-I.-Insel in der Antarktis. Er liegt südlich des Saturn-Gletschers und südöstlich der Citadel Bastion.[2] Im Südosten wird er von den Corner-Kliffs und im Südwesten vom Corner-Kliffs-Gletscher begrenzt. Der Süßwassersee ist 2 km lang, 1,5 km breit und 93,4 m tief. Er ist von einer 3,6 bis 4,0 m dicken Eisschicht bedeckt, die ihn seit Tausenden von Jahren von der Außenwelt isoliert hat. In der letzten Eiszeit vor 10.500 Jahren lag er als subglazialer See unter einer Eisdecke von mindestens 465 m Dicke. Der See wurde erst im Jahr 2000 vom britischen Paläolimnologen Dominic A. Hodgson (* 1968) entdeckt, nach dem der See seit 2007 benannt ist.
- [en] Hodgson Lake
[ru] Ходжсон (озеро)
Ходжсон (англ. Hodgson Lake) — постоянно покрытое льдом пресноводное озеро приблизительно 2 км в длину и около 1,5 км в ширину, расположенное в южной части Земли Александра I, к западу от Земли Палмера в Антарктиде, примерно в 72° ю. ш. и 68,5° з. д. Глубина озера — 93,4 метров. Озеро лежит запечатанным 3,6-4,0-метровым слоем льда. Это ультра-олиготрофное озеро с очень низким содержанием питательных веществ и очень низкое продуктивностью. В озере не найдено жизни[2][3][4].
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