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Monte Stella is a mountain in the Serre Calabresi, in the Locride, Calabria, southern Italy. It is part of the Vallata dello Stilaro, in the comune of Pazzano.

Monte Stella
Monte Stella, seen from the territory of Pazzano.
Highest point
Elevation832 m (2,730 ft)
Coordinates38°16′53″N 16°15′51″E
Monte Stella
Location in Italy
LocationCalabria, Italy
Parent rangeSerre Calabresi

Monte Stella is composed of Jurassic limestones.


At the base of the limestone rocks, at their conjunction with a Paleozoic bed, are limonite (iron mineral) rocks whose exploitation started from around 1000 CE. The mines continued to work until the late 19th century.

Until the 17th century the mountain was home to a hermitage of Orthodox monks, later replaced by Basilian monks. In the cave of the sanctuary is a statue in Sicilian style, sculpted in 1562.

Hermitage of Santa Maria della Stella.
Hermitage of Santa Maria della Stella.

See also


На других языках

- [en] Monte Stella (Calabria)

[it] Monte Stella (Serre calabresi)

Monte Stella (in dialetto pazzanito: A Stida) è una montagna calabrese situata nella Locride a 800 m s.l.m., e precisamente nella vallata dello Stilaro, entro i confini del comune di Pazzano.

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