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The Mainhardt Forest is a hill range up to 586.4 m above sea level (NHN)[1] in the counties of Schwäbisch Hall and Heilbronn, Hohenlohekreis and Rems-Murr-Kreis in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. It is named after the municipality of Mainhardt that lies at its centre.

Mainhardt Forest
(Mainhardter Wald)
The Mainhard Forest in the central western part of the Swabian-Franconian Forest
Highest point
PeakHohe Brach
Elevation586.4 m above NHN
StateRems-Murr-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Range coordinates49°22′10″N 9°33′00″E
Parent rangeSwabian-Franconian Forest


The highest point of the Mainhardt Forest is the Hohe Brach (586.4 m) between the villages of Erlach and Grab in the municipality of Großerlach. Another hill in the range is the Steinknickle (524.9 m) near Wüstenrot. Near Großerlach the treeless kuppe of the Altwald (552.0 m) offers a view far across the Swabian-Franconian Forest. On the forested kuppe of the Flinsberg (also called the Flehnsberg) (534.8 m) near Oberrot are mighty outcrops of flint blocks.[2] In the southeast the Mainhardt Forest runs between the valleys of the Rot and Kocher in a ridge called the Kirgel (459.4 m), on which there is an observation tower, the Kerner Tower. On its eastern perimeter near Westheim the Steinbühl (484.4 m) rises over the Kocher valley.


  1. Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
  2. LGRB Baden-Württemberg, Steckbrief Geotope


На других языках

[de] Mainhardter Wald

Der Mainhardter Wald ist eine bis 586,9 m ü. NHN[1] hohe Mittelgebirgslandschaft in den Landkreisen Schwäbisch Hall und Heilbronn, dem Hohenlohekreis und dem Rems-Murr-Kreis in Baden-Württemberg (Deutschland). Benannt ist der Mainhardter Wald nach der in seiner Mitte gelegenen Gemeinde Mainhardt.
- [en] Mainhardt Forest

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