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Cape Shelagsky or Cape Shelag (Russian: Мыс Шелагский; Chukot: Ытрин, romanized: Ytrin), also known as Erri by the Siberian Yupik,[1] is a headland situated in eastern Siberia, Russia on the shores of the East Siberian Sea.[2]

Cape Shelagsky
Мыс Шелагский
Erri / Ytrin
Location in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
LocationChukotka Autonomous Okrug,  Russia
Coordinates70°06′28″N 170°28′15″E
Offshore water bodiesEast Siberian Sea, Chaun Bay

The cape was named after the Shelags, a little-known ethnic group that lived on the Arctic coast to the east of Cape Shelagsky.[3]


It is the eastern headland at the entrance of Chaun Bay. The cape is located at the western end of the Shelag Range, the northwesternmost subrange of the Chukotka Mountains.[4]


  1. Arutyunov S. A & Sergeev D. A., Ancient cultures of the Asian Eskimos: (Uelen burial ground). Moscow: Nauka, 1968, p.210 ISBN 9785445835424
  2. Google Earth
  3. M. A. Sergeev, Экспедиция В.П. Врангеля и Ф.Ф. Матюшкина и изучение малых народов крайнего Северо-Востока. p. 416
  4. Igor S. Zonn, Andrey G. Kostianoy, Aleksandr Semenov, The Eastern Arctic Seas Encyclopedia, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016), p. 68

На других языках

- [en] Cape Shelagsky

[ru] Шелагский

Шелагский — самый северный мыс Чукотки, омывается водами Восточно-Сибирского моря. Выдаётся в море на 9 км[1].

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