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The Dulce River (in Spanish Río Dulce, in Quechua Misky Mayu) is the most important river in the Argentine province of Santiago del Estero.

Dulce River
Río Dulce ("Sweet River")
Ramsar Wetland
Official nameBañados del Río Dulce y Laguna de Mar Chiquita
Designated28 May 2002
Reference no.1176[1]

The Dulce River's source is in Tucumán Province under the name of Salí River, though it receives tributaries from Salta Province, and changes names when reaching Santiago del Estero. It runs 450 kilometres (280 mi) southeast throughout the province, and then feeds the Río Hondo in Córdoba Province before emptying into the Mar Chiquita salt lake.

There is also a dam in the limit with Tucumán Province called Río Hondo dam, with a lake formatted with the connection of four rivers of Tucumán. This lake is experiencing pollution due to the lack of control of the emissions of polluting substances into the Salí River, caused mainly by the pulpmills located in Tucumán.[2]

The river runs through the Argentine Espinal ecoregion.[3] It is the main source of water for irrigation for the arid lands of Santiago del Estero. The Los Quiroga Dam in the northwest, finished in 1956, provides water for that area, but has produced a decrease in the precipitations of the southeastern part of the province.


  1. "Bañados del Río Dulce y Laguna de Mar Chiquita". Ramsar Sites Information Service. Retrieved 25 April 2018.
  2. "Ecoportal". Archived from the original on 2014-01-13. Retrieved 2012-07-28.
  3. Dellafiore, Claudia, South America: Central Argentina (NT0801), WWF: World Wildlife Fund, retrieved 2017-04-12

На других языках

- [en] Dulce River (Argentina)

[es] Río Dulce (Argentina)

El Dulce o Salí es un importante río del centro-norte de Argentina, principal integrante de la cuenca endorreica de la gran laguna de Mar Chiquita en la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina).

[it] Dulce (fiume)

Il Dulce (in spagnolo: Río Dulce) è un fiume dell'Argentina che scorre nel centro-nord del Paese ed il principale immissario del bacino endoreico del Mar Chiquita.

[ru] Рио-Дульсе (река, впадает в Мар-Чикиту)

Рио-Дульсе (исп. Río Dulce — «сладкая (пресная) река») — река на северо-западе Аргентины, впадающая в озеро Мар-Чикита.

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