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Adobe Falls is a seasonal waterfall on a tributary of the San Diego River. San Diego State University owns the land and it is currently posted with No Trespassing signs. There is no legal public access to this location. Due to high trespass traffic and destruction of the natural environment fences have been put in place and it is being regularly patrolled. Remedies are being explored for removing the graffiti in a manner that will not pollute the environment and to remove the trash that has accumulated there.

Adobe Falls
LocationSan Diego, California
Coordinates32°46′48″N 117°4′13″W
OwnerSan Diego State University
San Diego Historic Landmark
DesignatedApril 6, 1973
Reference no.80
Location of Adobe Falls in California

The San Diego Historical Resources Board declared the falls a historic landmark in 1973 (San Diego Historic Landmark #80).[1]

See also


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