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Lake Vernon is located in the Tiltill Valley in the northern sector of Yosemite National Park just north of Hetch Hetchy Valley. The surface elevation of the lake is 6,568 ft (2,002 m). Due to the remote location of the lake, it is usually only accessed as a backpacking destination. The area surrounding the lake was once home to a band of Sierra Miwok Indians, and numerous artifacts can be found in the area. Lake Vernon is the source of Falls Creek, which feeds Wapama Falls.

Lake Vernon
North across the upper part of Lake Vernon, which lies in a region of prevailing massive granite. Mahan Peak on the right.
Lake Vernon
Lake Vernon
LocationYosemite National Park, Tuolumne County, California,
United States
Coordinates38°00′49″N 119°43′26″W [1]
Basin countriesUnited States
Surface elevation6,568 feet (2,002 m) [1]

See also


  1. "Lake Vernon". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey.

На других языках

- [en] Lake Vernon

[fr] Lac Vernon

Le lac Vernon (en anglais : Lake Vernon) est un lac américain dans le comté de Tuolumne, en Californie. Il est situé à 2 002 mètres d'altitude au sein de la Yosemite Wilderness, dans le parc national de Yosemite.

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