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Lake Razelm or Lake Razim (Romanian: Limanul Razim, Limanul Razelm) is the name of a large freshwater lagoon on the shores of the Black Sea in Romania, south of the Danube Delta and part of its World Heritage Site. It is the largest liman in Romania.[1]

Popina Island
Popina Island
Lake Razelm
Lake Razelm
Location in Romania
Coordinates44°49′36″N 28°59′05″E
Primary outflowsLake Golovița
Basin countriesRomania
Max. length28.5 kilometres (17.7 mi)
Max. width15 kilometres (9.3 mi)
Surface area511 square kilometres (197 sq mi)
Residence time300-600 days
IslandsPopina Island

The name is also sometimes applied to the complex it forms with several other limans and liman. This complex can be separated into two subgroups. The northern subgroup contains freshwater Razelm and Lake Golovița, which are connected by a channel 3.1 kilometres (1.9 mi) wide, whereas the southern group is made up of salt lakes. All these lakes cover an area of about 1000 km², 400 km² of it being the area of Lake Razelm alone.


When the Razelm/Golovița system was closed off from the sea in the late 1970s, this resulted in several changes to the ecological conditions of the system, including an decrease in salinity to almost zero, an increase in refreshment time to over a year, and episodes of eutrophication.[2] Despite this environmental degradation, the system remains an important habitat. Three families of cockles could be found in Romania in the 1960s, and the two that remain are found only in Razelm (albeit at reduced densities).[3] Popina Island at the north end of the lake is an important refuge for many bird species and invertebrates. The recent ecological study suggests that the Razim-Sinoie lagoon system is close to the good ecological status according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.[4]

Roman fortification Layout on Razelm's Insula Bisericutei
Roman fortification Layout on Razelm's Insula Bisericutei


  1. "Geography, Meteorology, and Environment". Romanian Statistical Yearbook (PDF). 2008.
  2. Dinu, Irina; Umgiesser, Georg; Bajo, Marco; de Pascalis, Francesca; Stănică, Adrian; Pop, Cornel; Dimitriu, Radu; Nichersu, Iulian; Constantinescu, Adrian (2015). "Modelling of the response of the Razelm-Sinoe lagoon system to physical forcing". Geo-Eco-Marina. 21. doi:10.5281/zenodo.45064. Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  3. Popa, Oana P.; et al. (2009). "Contributions to the knowledge of the present Limnocardiidae fauna (Mollusca: bivalvia) from Romania". The Journal of "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History. 52: 7–15.
  4. Catianis, Irina; Secrieru, Dan; Pojar, Iulian; Grosu, Dumitru; Scrieciu, Albert; Pavel, Ana Bianca; Vasiliu, Dan (2018-03-13). "Water Quality, Sediment Characteristics and Benthic Status of the Razim-Sinoie Lagoon System, Romania". Open Geosciences. 10 (1): 12–33. doi:10.1515/geo-2018-0002.

На других языках

[de] Razim-See

Der Razim-See oder Razelm-See[2] (rumänisch Lacul Razim, lateinisch Halmyris[3]) ist ein Lagunen-See südlich des Donaudeltas am Schwarzen Meer in Rumänien. Er ist mit 425 km² der größte See des Landes.[4]
- [en] Lake Razelm

[es] Lago Razim

El lago Razim o lago Razelm (en rumano, Lacul Razim /Razelm) es el mayor lago del complejo de limánes, estuarios y lagunas localizados en las riberas del mar Negro, al sur del delta del Danubio, en Rumanía. Es el lago más grande de Rumanía.

[fr] Lac Razim

Le lac Razim est un lac de Roumanie près et au sud-ouest du delta du Danube, zone protégée, partie de la Liste du patrimoine mondial en Roumanie et de la Réserve de biosphère du delta du Danube.

[ru] Разелм

Разе́лм[1][2] (рум. Razelm, также Разельм, Разим[3]) — крупная группа озёр, лиманов и лагун на побережье Чёрного моря, на востоке Румынии (к югу от дельты Дуная). Озера расположены на территории исторического региона Добруджа в Тулчинском жудеце Румынии. Это самое крупное по площади озеро в Румынии.

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