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Le Soche est un stratovolcan d'Équateur.

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Altitude 3 955 m
Massif Cordillère Orientale (Andes)
Coordonnées 0° 33′ 07″ nord, 77° 34′ 48″ ouest
Pays Équateur
Province Sucumbíos
Roches Dacite
Type Volcan de subduction
Activité Endormi
Dernière éruption vers 6650 av. J.-C. ?
Code GVP 352001
Géolocalisation sur la carte : Équateur


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[en] Soche

Soche is a 3,955-metre-high (12,976 ft) dacitic volcano in Ecuador and is located on the northern end of a secondary volcanic chain. Constructed on a Paleozoic substratum, it contains an eastwards-opening caldera in the summit region. A large eruption in 6650 BCE generated ashfall into Colombia and two lava domes in the caldera.[1] The ash- and lapilli-fall is about a metre thick in the Interandean valley and the neighbouring cordilleras and most likely represented a long-lasting obstacle for human population.[2] Earlier eruptive events involving a lava flow that was subsequently offset by a fault zone named the Cayambe-Chingual fault by 110m occurred 9.67 ka BP,[3] and another involving a pyroclastic flow was dated at 37.22 ± 0.63 ka BP.[4]
- [fr] Soche

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