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Robbins Hill (77°48′S 164°4′E) is a hill, 3 nautical miles (6 km) long, which is the East-most rock unit on the north side of the terminus of Blue Glacier, on Scott Coast, Victoria Land. The feature rises to 1140 m in the west portion. Named after Rob Robbins, who in 1999 completed 20 consecutive years of deployment to Antarctica in various positions held for three United States Antarctic Program (USAP) support contractors at McMurdo and Palmer Stations; wintered at McMurdo, 1981 and 1985; construction diver/divemaster, McMurdo and Palmer Stations, 1985–86, 1988–89, 1995-96 seasons; Scientific Diving Coordinator, McMurdo and Palmer Stations, 1996-99 seasons. Mr. Robbins made over 1,000 dives in Antarctica for USAP and supported science in many locations around McMurdo Sound.

 This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Geological Survey document: "Robbins Hill". (content from the Geographic Names Information System) 

На других языках

[de] Robbins Hill

Der Robbins Hill ist ein 5 km langer und im westlichen Teil bis zu 1140 m hoher Hügel im ostantarktischen Viktorialand. An der Scott-Küste ist er die östlichste Felsformation an der Nordflanke der Mündung des Blue Glacier in den Bowers-Piedmont-Gletscher.
- [en] Robbins Hill

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