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Cerro Mercedario is the highest peak of the Cordillera de la Ramada range and the eighth-highest mountain of the Andes. It is located 100 km to the north of Aconcagua, in the Argentine province of San Juan. It was first ascended in 1934 by Adam Karpiński and Wiktor Ostrowski, members of a Polish andinist expedition led by Konstanty Jodko-Narkiewicz.[3] The Polish party erected a cairn on the summit.[4]

Mercedario, 2004
Highest point
Elevation6,720 m (22,050 ft)[1]
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 
Prominence3,333 m (10,935 ft)[2]
Ranked 56th
Isolation75 km (47 mi) 
Coordinates31°58′45″S 70°06′45″W[2]
Location in Argentina
LocationSan Juan, Argentina
Parent rangeCordillera de la Ramada, Principal Cordillera, Andes
First ascent18 January 1934
Easiest routescramble

In 1968, after several attempts by some of the strongest Argentine climbers, a Japanese group led by Saburo Yoshida accomplished the first ascension of the south side. In 1971 an Austrian expedition led by Fritz Moravec and Othmar Kucera, climbed the north side. In 1972, Italians Sergio Job Gino and Antonio Beorchia Nigris climbed the Mercedario through the normal route and discovered some Inca ruins just below the summit. In January 1975 an Italian expedition led by Antonio Mastellaro managed to climb the east side. In 1983 a small expedition from Gorizia was able to traverse the south-west ridge, which is considered the most difficult trail of the mountain, and one of the last mountaineering issues in the Andes. On January 27 Mauro Collini, Sergio Figel, Mario Tavagnutti and Rudi Vittori reached the top.[5]

See also


  1. The elevation given here is estimated from SRTM data, which shows that the frequently quoted elevation of 6,770m is too high.
  2. "Argentina and Chile North: Ultra-Prominences" The prominence value given here of 3,333 m is based on a summit elevation of 6,700 m for this peak. Retrieved 2011-11-20.
  3. Mercedario on Archived 2007-03-12 at the Wayback Machine (In Spanish)
  4. S. W. Daszynski, 'A Polish Expedition to the High Andes', in The Geographical Journal, vol. 84, no. 3 (September 1934), pp. 215-223
  5. AA.VV. - La Montagna - Grande Enciclopedia Illustrata - Vol. 6 - pagg. 119-120- Istituto Geografico De Agostini - Novara - 1984

На других языках

[de] Mercedario

Der Mercedario ist ein 6701 m hoher Berg der Anden in Argentinien.
- [en] Mercedario

[es] Cerro Mercedario

El cerro Mercedario es una montaña perteneciente a la cordillera de los Andes, precisamente en la cordillera de la Ramada, ubicado en el extremo suroeste de la provincia de San Juan en el departamento Calingasta de Argentina.

[fr] Mercedario

Le cerro Mercedario, en Argentine, est le plus haut sommet de la cordillère de la Ramada et le huitième sommet le plus haut des Andes. Son origine est orogénique par plissement. Il est situé à une centaine de kilomètres au nord de l'Aconcagua, dans la province de San Juan (département de Calingasta), et à 12 km à l'est de la frontière chilienne.

[it] Mercedario

Il Mercedario (6.770 m s.l.m.) è una montagna delle Ande situata in Argentina, nella Provincia di San Juan.

[ru] Мерседарио

Мерседарио (исп.  Mercedario) — высочайшая вершина хребта Кордильера-де-ла-Рамада  (англ.) (рус. и восьмая по высоте гора Анд. В Чили известна под названием Ла-Лига (исп.  La Ligua). Расположена в 100 км севернее Аконкагуа, в аргентинской провинции Сан-Хуан. Первое восхождение на гору было осуществлено в 1934 году Адамом Карпинским и Виктором Островским, членами польской экспедиции[2].

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