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Macizo de Anaga is a mountain range in the northeastern part of the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. The highest point is 1,024 m (Cruz de Taborno). It stretches from the Punta de Anaga in the northeast to Cruz del Carmen in the southwest. Anaga features the mountain peaks of Bichuelo, Anambro, Chinobre, Pico Limante, Cruz de Taborno and Cruz del Carmen. The mountains were formed by a volcanic eruption about 7 to 9 million years ago making it the oldest part of the island.[1] Since 1987 it has been protected as a "natural park", reclassified as "rural park" in 1994.[2] Since 2015 it is also an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and is the place that has the largest number of endemic species in Europe.[3]

Chamorga, a village in the District of Anaga.
Chamorga, a village in the District of Anaga.
Anaga's mountainous zone is a place of some Canary legends.
Anaga's mountainous zone is a place of some Canary legends.
Macizo de Anaga in Tenerife.
Macizo de Anaga in Tenerife.
Castle of San Andrés.
Castle of San Andrés.

It is a remote and wild area characterized by humid forests, such as laurisilva. Native plant species include Ceropegia dichotoma, Ceropegia fusca and Echium virescens. The Macizo de Anaga is also rich in archaeological finds, among which is the Mummy of San Andrés belonging to the ancient Guanche. The main villages in the Macizo de Anaga are San Andrés, Taganana and Igueste de San Andrés. A place in the mountains known as El Bailadero is believed to have been a place where witches were practicing witchcraft and dancing around a bonfire.[citation needed]

See also


  1. Carracedo, Juan Carlos; Troll, Valentin R. (2021-01-01). "North-East Atlantic Islands: The Macaronesian Archipelagos". Encyclopedia of Geology. pp. 674–699. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-102908-4.00027-8. ISBN 9780081029091. S2CID 226588940.
  2. Protected natural areas Archived 2013-11-09 at the Wayback Machine
  3. El macizo de Anaga alberga mayor concentración de endemismos de toda Europa

На других языках

[de] Anaga-Gebirge

Das Anaga-Gebirge (spanisch: Macizo de Anaga) ist eine Gebirgskette auf den Kanarischen Inseln und liegt im Nordosten Teneriffas. Das Gebirge wurde vor ca. 7 bis 9 Millionen Jahren durch vulkanische Aktivitäten geformt.[1] Es ist in West-Ost-Richtung 20 km lang und erstreckt sich von Norden nach Süden in einer Breite von 5 bis 10 km. Die höchsten Punkte sind der Cruz de Taborno mit 1024 m Höhe im Westen des Gebirges und der Chinobre mit 909 m im Osten. Der Kamm des Massivs, der wegen Nebel und Regen die feuchteste Region der Insel bildet, ist mit Lorbeerwald bewachsen.
- [en] Macizo de Anaga

[es] Macizo de Anaga

El macizo de Anaga es una formación montañosa y región histórica del nordeste de la isla canaria de Tenerife, España. Es el lugar que cuenta con mayor cantidad de endemismos de Europa[2] y por eso en 1994 fue declarado como parque rural de Anaga y el 9 de junio de 2015 como reserva de la biosfera por la Unesco.[3]

[fr] Massif d'Anaga

Le massif d'Anaga est un massif montagneux espagnol du nord-est de l'île de Tenerife, aux Canaries. Il culmine à 1 024 mètres d'altitude à la Cruz de Taborno.

[it] Massiccio di Anaga

Il massiccio di Anaga (macizo de Anaga) è una montagna situata nel nord-est dell'isola di Tenerife (Isole Canarie, Spagna).

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