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Langila is one of the most active volcanoes of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. It consists of four overlapping volcanic cones on the eastern flank of an older extinct volcano, Talawe. Talawe is the largest volcano in Cape Gloucester. There have been dozens of recorded eruptions since the 19th century from three separate volcanic craters at the summit of Langila. The most recent eruptive cycle of Langila began in August 2006 and continued into early 2007. Volcanic activity at Langila consists of Strombo-Vulcanian and Vulcanian eruptions and lava flows. Langila is one of the most active volcanoes in the Bismark archipelago. The smallest crater is crater number 3.

NASA satellite image of ash from Langila
Highest point
Elevation1,330 m (4,360 ft)
Coordinates5.525°S 148.42°E / -5.525; 148.42
Location in Papua New Guinea
LocationNew Britain, Papua New Guinea
Mountain typeComplex volcano
Volcanic arc/beltBismarck volcanic arc
Last eruption2022

In the times of German New Guinea, this volcano on the island then called Neupommern was known by the name of Ehlers-Berg after the German discoverer and travel author from Hamburg, Otto Ehrenfried Ehlers.

See also


На других языках

[de] Langila

Der Langila (selten auch Mount Langila und in der deutschen Kolonialzeit Belowberg genannt) ist ein Berg und aktiver Schichtvulkan im äußersten Westen Neubritanniens mit einer Höhe von 1330 Metern.[1] Er ist der achthöchste Berg der Provinz West New Britain von Papua-Neuguinea.
- [en] Langila

[fr] Langila

Le Langila est un volcan de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. Il est constitué de quatre cônes volcaniques situés sur le flanc oriental d'un volcan éteint, le Talawe, situé à l'extrémité occidentale de l'île de Nouvelle-Bretagne.

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