- Island

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Prall's Island is an uninhabited island in the Arthur Kill between Staten Island, New York, and Linden, New Jersey, in the United States. The 89-acre (0.36 km2) island is one of the minor islands that are part of the borough of Staten Island in New York City.

Prall's Island, in the Arthur Kill, is shown in red
Prall's Island, in the Arthur Kill, is shown in red
Prall's Island, looking east from New Jersey
Prall's Island, looking east from New Jersey

The island is named for a descendant or descendants of early Staten Island settler Arendt Jansen Prall Van Naarden (c. 1647-1725) (in Dutch, Praal), probably his grandson Abraham Prall (1706–1775), a local farmer.[1] It was originally known as Dongan's Island, after New York Governor Thomas Dongan (1634–1715), who took the office in 1688. The name was later corrupted to Duncan's Island. Prall's Island did not take hold until the late 19th century. The island is now owned by the City of New York and is maintained by New York City Department of Parks and Recreation as a bird sanctuary.[2]

See also


  1. Prall's Island - Historical Sign
  2. Recent reports on wading bird and gull nesting activity at Prall's Island. Harbor Herons Nesting Survey Archived 2012-02-05 at the Wayback Machine

На других языках

[de] Pralls Island

Pralls Island, auch Prall's Island ist eine Insel im Arthur Kill zwischen New Jersey und Staten Island. Die Insel hat eine Fläche von 32,5 Hektar und ist unbewohnt. Sie gehört vollständig zu New York City und ist seit 1984 ein Vogelschutzgebiet das vom New York City Department of Parks and Recreation betreut wird.
- [en] Prall's Island

[fr] Prall's Island

Prall's Island est une île inhabitée du détroit de Arthur Kill entre Staten Island (ville de New York dans l'État du même nom), et Linden (New Jersey) aux États-Unis. L'île fait partie de Staten Island, l'un des arrondissements de New York.

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