- IslandThe Melchior Islands are a group of many low, ice-covered islands lying near the center of Dallmann Bay in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica. They were first seen but left unnamed by a German expedition under Eduard Dallmann, 1873–74. The islands were resighted and roughly charted by the Third French Antarctic Expedition under Jean-Baptiste Charcot, 1903–05. Charcot named what he believed to be the large easternmost island in the group "Île Melchior" after Vice Admiral Jules Melchior of the French Navy, but later surveys proved Charcot's Île Melchior to be two islands, now called Eta Island and Omega Island. The name Melchior Islands has since become established for the whole island group now described, of which Eta Island and Omega Island form the eastern part, while the Sigma Islands mark the northern limit of the islands. The group was roughly surveyed in 1927 by Discovery Investigations personnel in the RRS Discovery, and was resurveyed by Argentine expeditions in 1942 and 1943, and again in 1948.[1]
Group of many islands in Antarctica
The semi-circular arrangement of Lambda, Epsilon, Alpha and Delta Islands forms a small harbor called Inner Harbor. Its descriptive name was probably given by Discovery Investigations personnel who roughly surveyed the harbor in 1927. It was resurveyed by Argentine expeditions in 1942, 1943 and 1948.[2]
See also
- Anvers Island Geology
- Gerlache Strait Geology
- Composite Antarctic Gazetteer
- List of Antarctic islands south of 60° S
- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
- Territorial claims in Antarctica
- "Melchior Islands". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved 16 September 2013.
- "Inner Harbor". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved 27 August 2018.
External links
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На других языках
[de] Melchior-Inseln
Die Melchior-Inseln (englisch Melchior Islands, spanisch Archipiélago Melchior) sind eine in der Dallmann-Bucht zwischen der Anvers- und der Brabant-Insel vor der Westküste der Antarktischen Halbinsel gelegene Inselgruppe. Zu ihr zählen zahlreiche kleine, eisbedeckte, unbewohnte Inseln östlich und westlich der Meerenge The Sound, die in die Gruppen der Östlichen und der Westlichen Melchior-Inseln unterteilt sind.
- [en] Melchior Islands
[es] Archipiélago Melchior
El archipiélago Melchior está constituido por diversas islas e islotes de la bahía Dallmann, en los 64º S y 63º O, en la Antártida. Su denominación es en homenaje al almirante Jules Melchior de la Marina Nacional de Francia. Las temperaturas en esa zona registran un promedio de -3,6 °C. En las cercanías se encuentra el Puerto Andersen. Las islas son bajas y cubiertas por el hielo.
[fr] Îles Melchior
Les îles Melchior, parfois appelées archipel Melchior, sont un groupe d'îles australes, couvertes de glace, situées près du centre de la baie de Dallmann (en), dans l'archipel des Îles Palmer. Revendiquées par l'Argentine qui y a installé une base scientifique, par le Chili et par le Royaume-Uni, elles sont régies par le Traité sur l'Antarctique.
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